用户已请求下载"gridview 内容的 csv 文件表示的选项.有谁知道如何做到这一点而不将文件保存到服务器,而只是从内存中将其流式传输给用户?
the users have requested the option to "download" a csv file representation of gridview contents. does anyone know how to do this without saving the file to the server but rather just streaming it to the user from memory?
我创建了一个 stringbuilder 并使用以下代码将内容转储到 response 对象(csv"是 stringbuilder 变量).
i created a stringbuilder and dump the contents to the response object using the following code ("csv" is the stringbuilder variable).
response.contenttype = @"application/x-msdownload"; response.appendheader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" file_name); response.write(csv.tostring()); response.flush(); response.end();