我有一个 vs 项目,其中包含:
i have a vs project that contains:
在 template.tt 上运行 texttransform 以生成 generated.cs
generated.cs 列为要编译的文件之一(即在项目文件列表中)
generated.cs listed as one of the files to compile (i.e. in the list of project files)
when i build the project, the pre-build action is executed, generated.cs is re-created, but vs compiles the previous version of generated.cs (which i guess it loaded in memory when the build process started).
how to make the build use the new version of generated.cs (i.e. the one generated in the pre-build action)? how to force the build order?
这个问题现在有了百家乐凯发k8的解决方案!oleg sych 在他的博客上发表了一篇文章,详细介绍了如何使构建时转换发挥作用.
there's now a solution to this problem! oleg sych has a post on his blog detailing how to make transform-at-build-time work.
基本上,您只需在项目文件中包含 t4 构建目标并将 transformonbuild 属性设置为 true.
basically, you just include the t4 build targets in your project file and set the transformonbuild property to true.
请注意,microsoft.texttemplating.targets 文件必须包含在 microsoft.csharp.targets 之后.
note that the microsoft.texttemplating.targets file has to be included after the microsoft.csharp.targets.