刚刚在 laravel 5 中开发了一个新应用程序,我在使用开箱即用的身份验证时遇到了一些问题...
have just statred a new app in laravel 5 and i am having some trouble using the out of the box auth...
我不断收到:verifycsrftoken.php 第 46 行中的 tokenmismatchexception:在提交登录或注册表单时...
i keep getting : tokenmismatchexception in verifycsrftoken.php line 46: on submitting the login or signup forms...
i can see on the login form page the token codes that are in the hidden form field and session at that point are the same...
作为测试,我也尝试过,因为其他一些帖子建议将其注释掉//'apphttpmiddlewareverifycsrftoken',在 app/http/kernal.php 中查看会发生什么.每次提交表单后,我都会收到一条消息,提示重定向到:/auth/login 或/auth/register,具体取决于我来自哪里,但没有成功.
as a test i have also tried as some other posts suggested commenting out //'apphttpmiddlewareverifycsrftoken', in app/http/kernal.php to see what would happen. after doing this every time i submit a form i get a message which says redirecting to: /auth/login or /auth/register depending on where i came from with no success.
the weird thing was this was working when i first installed the framework. all i have done since then is run a few migrations and setup some of my models and controllers and seeded the db with some user data.
var_dump($request->session()->token()); var_dump($request->input('_token'));
i can see the two tokens are different but at the form using:
var_dump(session::all()); {{{ csrf_token() }}}
它们是一样的.session 令牌在到达 verifycsrftoken.php 的第 55 行的函数 tokensmatch() 之前发生了一些变化
they are the same. the session token has changed some how before it gets to the function tokensmatch() on line 55 of verifycsrftoken.php
in verifycsrftoken.php line 46 at verifycsrftoken->handle(object(request), object(closure)) in verifycsrftoken.php line 17 at verifycsrftoken->handle(object(request), object(closure)) in pipeline.php line 125 at pipeline->illuminatepipeline{closure}(object(request)) in shareerrorsfromsession.php line 55 at shareerrorsfromsession->handle(object(request), object(closure)) in pipeline.php line 125 at pipeline->illuminatepipeline{closure}(object(request)) in startsession.php line 61 at startsession->handle(object(request), object(closure)) in pipeline.php line 125 at pipeline->illuminatepipeline{closure}(object(request)) in addqueuedcookiestoresponse.php line 36 at addqueuedcookiestoresponse->handle(object(request), object(closure)) in pipeline.php line 125 at pipeline->illuminatepipeline{closure}(object(request)) in encryptcookies.php line 40 at encryptcookies->handle(object(request), object(closure)) in pipeline.php line 125 at pipeline->illuminatepipeline{closure}(object(request)) in checkformaintenancemode.php line 42 at checkformaintenancemode->handle(object(request), object(closure)) in pipeline.php line 125 at pipeline->illuminatepipeline{closure}(object(request)) at call_user_func(object(closure), object(request)) in pipeline.php line 101 at pipeline->then(object(closure)) in kernel.php line 111 at kernel->sendrequestthroughrouter(object(request)) in kernel.php line 84 at kernel->handle(object(request)) in index.php line 53
i first just got it working removing the line:
来自/app/http/resquests/kernel.php.但是,这意味着 csrf 令牌检查 将被删除,这意味着您的网站将不受保护跨站点请求伪造.
from /app/http/resquests/kernel.php. however, this means the csrf token check will be removed, which implies that your website will not be protected from cross-site request forgeries.
update according to the documentation, you should add the csrf token to your form by adding this snippet to your code:
我在移动应用程序的后端服务中使用了第一种方式,但我发现我可以在请求中发送 csrf 标头.
i used first way in backend services for mobile application but i find i can send send csrf header within requests.