i have a code where if someone joins the bot gives a welcome message but when a user joins, the bot does not give the welcome message.
bot.on('guildmemberadd', member => { const channel = member.guild.channels.cache.find(channel => channel.name === "general") if (!channel) return; const joinembed = new discord.messageembed() .settitle(`a new member just arrived!`) .setdescription(`welcome ${member} we hope you enjoy your stay here!`) .setcolor("#ff0000") channel.send(joinembed) });
my bot has all the permissions and is at the very top of the role hierarchy, please help i don't know what am i doing wrong. this problem also applies when the user leaves (it also does not give the welcome message)
discord 前几天做了一些改动.该机器人未发送欢迎消息,因为它从未收到 guildmemberadd 事件.从现在开始,要获得这些类型的事件,您必须在开发门户中打开意图.完成此操作后,您的代码将重新开始工作.
discord made some changes a few days ago. the bot is not sending the welcome message because it never gets the guildmemberadd event. from now on to get these types of events you will have to turn the intents on in the dev portal. after doing this your code will start working again.