我有一些在 bigint 中的时间戳.这是一个:
i have some timestamps that are in bigint. here's one:
this is down to microsecond precision.
select dateadd(s, convert(int,left(1462924862735870900, 10)), '1970-01-01')
that's giving me datetime down to the second but i would like to maintain at least millisecond precision.
我意识到 dateadd 无法处理 bigint,这就是我截断 bigint 并将其转换为 int 的原因.如果我不这样做,我会收到此错误:
i realize that dateadd cannot handle bigint that's why i truncated the bigint and converted it to int. if i don't do that i get this error:
arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int
i'm hoping someone can help me figure out a better way to convert this and maintain at least millisecond precision.
any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
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在@ako 的帮助下,我拼凑了一个函数,该函数采用毫秒、微秒或纳秒为单位的 bigint 时间戳,并返回 datetime2(7),即 100 纳秒精度.它可能更有效,但功能如下:
with the help of @ako, i threw together a function that takes a bigint timestamp in either milliseconds, microseconds or nanoseconds and returns datetime2(7) which is 100 nanosecond precision. it could probably be more efficient but here's the function:
create function [dbo].[fn_tsconvert] (@ts bigint) returns datetime2(7) as begin declare @ts2 datetime2(7) -- millisecond if(len(@ts) = 13) set @ts2 = dateadd(hh,-4,dateadd(millisecond, @ts % 1000, dateadd(second, @ts / 1000, cast('1970-01-01' as datetime2(7))))) -- microsecond if(len(@ts) = 16) set @ts2 = dateadd(hh,-4,dateadd(microsecond, @ts % 1000000, dateadd(second, @ts / 1000000, cast('1970-01-01' as datetime2(7))))) -- nanosecond if(len(@ts) = 19) set @ts2 = dateadd(hh,-4,dateadd(nanosecond, @ts % 1000000000, dateadd(second, @ts / 1000000000, cast('1970-01-01' as datetime2(7))))) return @ts2 end
我认为您正在处理纳秒精度.您可以在原生 sql 中获得 100ns 的精度.
i think that you are dealing with nanosecond precision. what you can get in native sql is 100ns precision.
declare @ts as bigint = 1462924862735870900 select dateadd(nanosecond, @ts % 1000000000, dateadd(second, @ts / 1000000000, cast('1970-01-01' as datetime2(7))))
结果是 2016-05-11 00:01:02.7358709
the outcome is 2016-05-11 00:01:02.7358709