最近 ios 更新了 ios 10 &对开发人员有一些更改,其中一项更改是现在我们无法检查 允许完全访问 我们以前的方式如下所示
recently ios has an update of ios 10 & there are certain changes for developers one of the change is now we can't check allow full access the way we did previously is given below
-(bool)isopenaccessgranted{ return [uipasteboard generalpasteboard]; }
我搜索了最新的uipasteboard 开发者指南,但找不到解决它.有没有人对此有适当的百家乐凯发k8的解决方案.
i searched the latest developer guide for uipasteboard, but was unable to solve it. did any one has a proper solution for this.
ios11 and above is easy.
ios10 百家乐凯发k8的解决方案:勾选所有可复制类型,如果其中一个可用,则您有完全访问权限,否则没有.
ios10 solution: check all the copy-able types, if one of them is available, you have full access otherwise not.
-- 斯威夫特 4.2--
-- swift 4.2--
override var hasfullaccess: bool { if #available(ios 11.0, *){ return super.hasfullaccess// super is uiinputviewcontroller. } if #available(iosapplicationextension 10.0, *){ if uipasteboard.general.hasstrings{ return true } else if uipasteboard.general.hasurls{ return true } else if uipasteboard.general.hascolors{ return true } else if uipasteboard.general.hasimages{ return true } else // in case the pasteboard is blank { uipasteboard.general.string = "" if uipasteboard.general.hasstrings{ return true }else{ return false } } } else{ // before ios10 return uipasteboard.general.iskind(of: uipasteboard.self) } }